Saturday, April 21, 2007


How do I address you, Mr. Mayor? The Honorable James E. Garner, Mayor Garner, gotta this point in time, I cursed your name when I found out Mr. Solomon resigned, effective July 1. May I ask (since you declared me your "sewer point person") how could you do what you did? Why did you do what you did? Maybe the donations to your campaign turned in on Friday will shed some light; at least that is the way I'm leaning. Yes, we know about the development out Charlestown Road where the nearest subdivision aren't even on sewers; and yes, we are aware of how many millions it will cost us, the ratepayers for this development. I, Sir, am personally tired of you thinking ALL OF US ARE STUPID OR IDIOTS...I just can't figure out which label you've stuck on us, the ratepayers for the sewers for the City of New Albany!

It sounded good, Mr. Solomon, what you told the City Council...if anyone recognizes what you were would be Susan Johnson and I. We have always maintained YOU were worth your weight in gold to the citizens of this "fair" City.

From us to you, we have no clue as to why the Mayor moved the Robert E. Lift station project from a to z...putting it 3 to 5 years out for fixing that issue. We have no clue as to how this Mayor could deny your Motion, which was duly he could have refused to even allow the vote...we don't know.

We do know of your frustration; your integrity and intentions to get the right thing done. Susan Johnson and I have always maintained you are worth your weight in gold to us, the ratepayers.

As we have been aware of how your frustration was growing, we are sincerely thankful you went on the record at the Sewer Board meeting as to your feelings -- how can the Mayor change the "Appendix D" of the Consent Decree (which Council had already done a first reading on), without the Sewer Board or the Mayor's Engineers' approvals? We do not know. We only know, as citizens, your Sewer Board meeting became illegal at the point in time when Garner did not recognize the Motion and the Second. We are glad you challenged Greg Fifer...what a conflict of interest he is!

As people who have been involved with our "sewers", we can only thank you at this point in time for the service, your service, to our words can express our appreciation. We know you did your utmost best in trying to resolve the situation. We know you have been thwarted at every turn, and we were aware how anxious you were becoming; and we expected the reaction you had after that horrible meeting. How can the Mayor arbitrarily change the Sewer demand list without his Engineers' approval; and with Council already having first reading; and EPA having it in front of them...we don't understand either and are there and with you in your frustration.

Please allow Susan and I to thank you, and other citizens that are up on this subject, for your service to the rate payers of New Albany. Do you think we don't know you were TRYING? Only the Good Lord knows how much some of us appreciate your service...and only the best to you and yours. Maybe now, and only now, you can appreciate your life and your children...because we know how our "sewer" situation literally sucks the life out of you.

How could that sewer board have lasted from 3:30 until past 7 pm? Only because you called the Mayor out and you called Fifer out. Thank you for that. Now there is an official record, as I know the City Clerk is keeping meticulous records of the Sewer Board meetings (if you want to hear the tape, go see Marcey Wisman). The confrontation went down at approximately 6:30 -- fast forward the tape.

We are at a loss for words. Take with you and know we may not have been there...but we are aware of all words spoken, without censorship.

Thank you, Todd. Maybe Council will sit up and take notice and listen to Kevin Zurschmeide about what really happened Tuesday, long before you tendered your resignation in front of the Council. Thank you for that, also. It needed to be done and put on record, and you (my kind sir), was just the person to deliver the message to Council (though I heard you were too kind).

God bless you and yours, and please, allow me (and Susan), to thank you once again for your service to us. We can not put into words how much you are and were appreciated.

Thank you, thank you, thank you...reminds me of Gomer Pyle...

Gotta go, have a rendezvous with my US Congressman in the morn for brunch...God speed, my friend.

Yvonne Kersey, alias NAPP (and proud of it)...


A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Yes, that is exactly where it will be; but, unfortunately the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding, signed last April with the EPA), specific plans and what was included only the EPA has, not the public.

EPA is looking at same now. Thanks for asking.

Christopher D said...

Does this mean you will not be supporting Garner in the mayoral election??

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

An astute observation, to say the least! Nice to hear from you.

Christopher D said...

'Tis grant season, so I have been busy.
Not long now before we will get a glipse of the political change to come next year, or if we need to dig in our heels for 4 more years of obstructionism, and neglegence.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Isn't it the truth! We do not think anyone can tolerate a "whole lot" more...if you know what I mean.

People have gone to their graves fighting for what we're fighting for...

Won't be long now...


Christopher D said...

unfortunately, I think I have hit my breaking point....Seriously considering listing our house at a bit of a loss just so we can cut our losses and get out while we still can.
Hell, by the time change comes around, it will be far too late for my neighborhood.
If I dont get out soon, I am afraid I will being the next one going to the grave fighting for this, either from a stress induced stroke, or getting gunned down in the street for having the inconsideration to expect some one to take out their trash and cut their grass moer than once a year.