Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Having been out of town for awhile and letting my friends take care of my blog, I have to admit I could not believe the number of phone calls I received while out of town.

People, I do not know what to say to you. I have provided the Public Access Counselor's number to certain Taxpayer Advocates and I have provided Charlie Pride's number to same.

Myself, I spoke with Gail Schneider; the person who took Denny Stroud's position, eventually. She will be matching the legal(s) up with the ordinance and taxpayers do have the right to file a remonstrance and appear before her about same and we have a right to take the "legal issue" to the Public Access Counselor. The Law DOES NOT LAY SILENT ON THIS ISSUE.

The '07 Budget was ordered cut by $600,000.00. The Controller was given the discretion to make the cuts where she saw fit. The Mayor's office is limited to $100,075.00. If the full-time Secretary and the other positions are within that office and exceed that budgeted amount, only then will you have a case.

As far as the legal which ran this past Sunday stating they over budgeted for salaries for Fairview Cemetery and are taking $30,000 + from the Cemetery in order to fund some one's position...gee...are we that bad off we have to siphon monies from the Cemetery and dead people? As I do not know the "Friends of Fairview", I sure hope they are aware of this legal as I can not speak with knowledge as to the needs and conditions of same and whether this is a good thing or not. Any of you know them, please ask -- thanks.

As I have deliberately not read other blogs in order to somehow remain neutral while all of these things play out, I have to admit I am not aware of the "10" things promised to certain people. Gotta admit, I do not want to know. As I was asked what "I" wanted -- and my answer was simply an "ethical government"; I do not want to even know what else was promised to others. Only time will tell, and none of us have a crystal ball.

When we did all of the wrangling with the police and fire over monies not available; spent all of our excess monies out of "Riverboat" and the "Rainy Day" fund...I'm not sure how our streets are going to be paved and the other things taken care of we all care about, i.e., CODE ENFORCEMENT. We already have a Code Enforcement Officer named Pam Badger and I simply did not (nor did others) understand why we need another one. This Mayor's zoning and code enforcements will need to be started in his own backyard and it will be interesting to see how it plays out. I kid you not.

Peace, NA. Glad to be back and I thank everyone who commented and kept my blog up and running while I was gone.


Anonymous said...

Interesting. We have another new creation of a position called "Utilities Manager" filled by none other than the former Mayor James Garner.

Thought at first maybe Garner joined EMC; but this is instead a City payroll job and a new job creation.

And, can someone tell me when the law changed and we can pay "salaries" out of TIF's?


Anonymous said...

But Doug said he can hit the ground running when he was on the campaign trail, now he needs all these deputy mayors and consultants and has raised salaries, wow the city must have a pot of gold somewhere we dont know about. Hope all the streets get paved now and all the sewers get fixed

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Only assumptions can be made at this point in time, I guess.

Another perk of the "transitional" job is the receipt of Tony Toran's City Car.

We must assume he is helping Ron Carroll come up to snuff, and the New Albany Potty Police knows this vehicle will be of great help is getting to places where SSO's still occur, because most of our public access has been blocked in or out -- depending on how you wish to look at it.

As a taxpayer advocate, I would urge all of John Q. Public to keep track of all the new positions and all monies associated with same and then watch how this Council votes and hold them responsible for same in four years.

In the meantime, I am shutting this thing down. After checking the weather channel and seeing how bright red Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio are...too many electrical hits on this house to keep this computer up and running.

Sure was a light show in New Albany Tuesday night! The new fire station looked like it took a direct hit and lit up the whole block -- looked like a Christmas tree! Then, lights around the area flickered and went off, but came back soon (after we found some candles).

Main Street had some kind of hit because of chain saws running all night and the amount of crews on the scene. Luckily, me and mine weren't affected.

Be safe. Batton down the hatches.
Peace, NA.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

P.S. I very much agree with Zurschmeide in so far as we are violating the law by not constituting a sewer board until Mayor England's Administration is able to get their legislature through.

The Sewer Board is to serve the people and I know personally people who need to appear before same because of some bills where there was a water leak but they can prove it didn't go into the sewers and therefore are entitled to adjustments.

Alas, I'm not seeing the service to the Public, only service to -- nah, that's just my opinions.

A Democrat in Floyd County said... it all gels inside this analytical mind of mine.

Special City Council meeting called for tomorrow evening for "litigation" purposes.

I would (and am) assuming this is the litigation concerning the contracts awarded to EMC without being put out for bid.

Now, it all makes sense. If you do not have a Sewer Board, there is no lawsuit. Gee...why didn't I think of that?

The New Albanian said...

A little bird told me that it is to be about the, er, "other" lawsuit.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Surely can't argue that point with you; but may I offer up some reasoning?

Wouldn't you think the Council would have had "that" executive session before their vote on the re districting issue at their last meeting?

Surely they wouldn't have proceeded without same, would they?

Thanks for the little bird "heads up". Truly.

Anonymous said...

How can you be sure the beer blogger's not yanking your chain. the swer lawsuti makes more sense.

Anonymous said...

My thought is that you have a sewer board (and quorum) as formed on February 24, 2004. The Mayor just did not call it to order. I haven't pulled the original ordinance, but I am going by IC 36-9-23, which I believe was mainly used.

The Mayor is the chairman. Kevin Zurschmeide stays as the only Republican Council member. Bill Utz stays as an engineer for at least one more year, or maybe two years (IC 36-9-23-4(b).

You just need a Democrat Council member to replace Larry Kochert and an appointment by the Mayor to replace Todd Solomn for his one or two more year term.

Not sure about attorney, Lee Buchanan. I thought the sewer board attorney was to be chosen/hired by the sewer board. Did they meet already?

By the way -- did Mayor James Garner sign the Second Amended Consent Decree for the Clean Water Act? If not, did Mayor England sign it yet?

I hope the new Council members ask and receive their copies of the Second Amended Consent Decree!!!


The New Albanian said...

Not yanking anyone's chain this time, but knowing that what I heard might not be true. Given the way this has unfolded, though, it's certainly plausible.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Thank you for that, New Albanian. It is plausible, that much is true. Thanks.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

After posting this comment down under the wrong section, I have deleted same and am now rekeying.

Some answers to our questions...




The Sewer Board Attorney was appointed (though I think he has to be elected by the Sewer Board, but don't hold me to that one, yet...).

This next week ought to be really interesting.

Good going, Susan. I'll post that SSO link sometime soon how the new LaFollette Sewer line caused one of several SSO's December 15th. Blowing my gasket over it last night has made me lose some objectivity, after your testimony at the State level and us who traveled up to fight this "thang". Mad doesn't even begin to describe my reactions as to how you were right and how many times they called you a liar.

The shoe is now on the other foot. We simply need to do some things about it and the avenues of approach have been opened and onwards we keep going.


There will be a meeting next week vital to all taxpayers. I will let you know when and where we can voice these questions as soon as I am informed of same.

Thanks to those who care(d).

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Alas, Susan, I missed one of your questions and that was about the latest Consent Decree with the EPA and it's status.

If my understanding is correct, it was approved by the City and EPA attorneys and now is simply having the "fluff" added around it about fines, penalties, new Appendix D (city problems), etc. Sounded like it was a done deal to me at that time. I was told to watch the Federal Register and it would be "tickled". (Sorry folks, that's just the word used when they refer to "tickled". This simply means we, JOHN Q. PUBLIC, have 30 days to get a copy of it, read it, and respond to it.

This is simply my read on what I was told. I wonder if Mayor England knows?

Anonymous said...

First, let me say that your quote in Thursday's paper was absolutely perfect! Thank you, on behalf of a LOT of N.A. CITIZENS.
Secondly, I have a couple of questions to add to the mix here;
1.Why do New Albany's Mayors always seem to believe they can ignore or circumvent the laws in order to accomodate their own personal greedy agendas?
2.Are they really that ignorant of the laws, or are they just trying to see what they can get away with?
3.When we are always hearing there is not enough money to pay for sorely needed projects or particular departmental funding, how can they possibly justify exorbitant raises and very expensive newly created positions?
4.As citizens (victims?) of such irresponsible administrations what type of resources do we have at our disposal to prevent, or to even reverse, bad decisions that will adversely affect our community well being?
Please, continue to inform us and enlighten us with your knowledge. We all have an obligation, and a right, to know the WHOLE story.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Thank you kindly for your comments about the newspaper article. As I was not expecting to be interviewed about this particular subject, my feels simply came out. Evidently, several people enjoyed same, not matter the party. It was simply how I felt about the "truthers" of the matter.

1. Your first question was why do New Albany Mayor(s) always feel they can ignore or circumvent the laws in order to accomodate their own personal agendas?

Personally, to me, it's been going on so long they know of no other way to be, or act. My feelings are they are simply in it so we may keep their lifestyles in check; or even better them -- all at our expense.

2. Are they really ignorant of the laws, or just trying to get away with it.

In my opinion, just trying to get away with it. Surely you must know they are praying any taxpayer advocate is not paying attention nor is aware of the laws as much as they are.

3. In answer to your third question, to me they can't justify same. How in the hey do you raise all of the burial fees from one end to the other and then take $30,000 from same without causing great harm? How do you TRY to illegally spend from TIF areas in order to fund four of the new positions? They shouldn't on the first item, and can't on the second.

4. Your fourth question can be summed up as follows; just keep calling people higher up. You will always find someone who REALLY LIKES THEIR JOB AND PAYCHECK AND WOULD LIKE TO KEEP SAME and really help you out.

My telephone calls went to Gail Schneider, our budget person who replaced Denny Stroud and I called Senator Sipes office. The Controller stated she had talked with Charlie Pride about all of these things...

Watch for a legal where the State is coming in and wants to know about these things. It's going to happen...just don't know if it is going to be enough to nip it in the bud before it even starts.

This is why I am so thankful Steve Price voted NO on the suspension of the rules of the Council in order to do 3 readings on this issue. We needed time; we got it; and now we simply proceed.

Thank you for your warm e-mail.

Anonymous said...

Does the State of Indiana allow the Mayor and his staff to change the title of a position in order to increase the salary ?

In other words, if my name is John and they change it to Charlie, then,
they can raise my salary.


Anonymous said...

All of the financial mess now being
uncovered shows that the taxpayers need to get together and speak out.

Anonymous said...

If the City of New Albany 2008 Budget has been cut $600,000 by the state,
then why hasn't the City Controller
told the Council and the taxpayers?

This is public information and should not be covered up.

Does the Controller think that she can dip into other funds and bail out the 2008 budget as they have done in the past?

The General Fund should be reduced if this was ordered by the State.

Those back-up funds should be used to help with streets and city problems.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

This would be another crux in the matter. Council told the Controller to make the cuts at her discretion, but not accounting of same was prepared nor presented to the Council.

As far as I'm concerned, they are totally in the dark believing whomever. Some are listening up; of course you may have to get your State Senator involved and some of the other people who really like their job on the State level.

What is that old say about "truth"? First, denial; then vehement opposition; then acceptance. The City is almost in to the second stage -- based upon the names I am being called.

Call away; gosh knows I've been called a lot worse.

The citizens and the State will prevail this time. If they are getting (employees and Council) bad legal advice from a NON-ATTORNEY, this again will and would not be taxpayers problem. Only theirs -- and they are NOT going to make it ours.

Be safe, NA.

Anonymous said...

you hang in there Yvonne, whats right is right and whats wrong is wrong. You are right on this and the truth will prevail. Your new ally. just call me 00, pick a #