Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Most excellent news the Baron Hill and Mike Sodrel debates will happen. In case you are wondering, I believe in Baron Hill 100% (maybe 200%). Ever wonder if there isn't something wrong with someone being a millionaire (in their own right, of course -- nothing wrong with that), but being a Congressman with a contract to carry the United States mail? Yeah, somehow that doesn't sit well with me. Maybe he disavowed himself of his company and named a shadow person to take over, but still -- gotta admit, it bothers me.

Mike Sodrel's views and votes on Energy Bills in the House REALLY bothers me. It will be interesting debates as the votes and his views will be brought to the political table for public discourse.

Baron Hill was one of about six (6) fiscally conservative Democrats (a Bluedog). This man has walked from one end of southern Indiana to the other. Best of all, he keeps his promises. Imagine that! He may not be a millionaire Congressional candidate, but he is a man of his word and I can't ask for anything more. He admitted publicly at a public forum he was misled about the War in Iraq and all of the "mass destructions weapons Colin Powell" showed. Not sure how he feels about this issue -- maybe the same way I do. Wrong war; wrong people. Now just where were those hijackers (murderers) from? Oh yeah.

Enough thoughts for today. That was fun. Yes, and please don't forget -- any disagreements I'll be happy to publish, as long as there is a civil tongue held. Thanks.


The New Albanian said...

Ditto Tim's comments.

Anonymous said...

A little bit more information for those wishing to help bring back Baron follows:

E-Mail info@baron2006.com

Phone 812-522-8764

Web: http://www.baron2006.com

afb said...

I added you to our blogroll at AFB.


A Democrat in Floyd County said...

More than happy to support Evan Bayh in anyway we can. Thank you for your message.

RightDemocrat said...

Good blog. We need more moderate and conservative Democrats in the blogosphere and active in the party. Our party cannot win a governing majority without a broad base of support.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Thank you. And, you are so right about needing more moderate and conservative Democrats VERY ACTIVE in this election. Appreciate it.