Friday, June 01, 2007

"One" of my adopted brothers, Greg Seger

Having been taken from my "mother" when I was a young'un, throughout my lifetime it seems I have had "adopted" mothers; more dear to me than words can express.

One of my adopted mothers was Thomasina McLemore. "Mom", as we called her had a whole lot of nothing, except all of her adopted children. She had 3 of her own, but then she added me, Missy, Renee, Greg, Earl, and Debbie. She who had the least, working two jobs with no benefits or insurance, did the MOST.

Mom made me promise before she passed I would look after Janet and Mom, I'm still doing that thing (even though she's been married and has an 11 year old).

But, Mom, one of us is in trouble. It's Greg. He was diagnosed with a melanoma on his back last year; they took his lymph nodes out under his armpits and now it has spread throughout his body into his brain.

He's only has about 1 month to live and they've now put him under Hospice care. He's dealing well with it Mom but I'm not. Maybe it's because I am older than the rest of them. He's going to be 50 years old June 11...going to see him now. Give me the strength.

He doesn't like their food I heard last night, so I surprised him and called him up and told him I was sliding in to see him this afternoon and asked what I could bring. He asked me to bring him a couple of cheeseburgers, two fries and a frosty from Wendys. He's eating well and has an appetite.

On my way, Greg...on my way. Your spirit will be what I try and keep in mind today, not what is going on within your body. It's the only way I'm going to make it cos I just luv you so durn much, adopted brother you. Thirty years...what a friend.


shirley baird said...

I am so sorry.

Anonymous said...

Do not be sad for what is happening now. Try to smile for everything that happened before the illness. He is in good hands, and obviously has a wonderful friend and "sister"

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Thank you both. Anon, I tried to come to grips with that today.

Instead of a couple of weeks, it looks like it may be by tomorrow. He begged me not to tell him about his ferocious headaches (which I didn't), because he said they would give him the medicine that would make him leave us. He wasn't quite ready for that yet...he's a strong cuss, sort of our gentle teddy bear.

But, today you could tell they've given him the medicine he didn't want. Yes, I know he will be in a better place. Yes, I know he won't be sufering anymore...but, it's just not something I've experienced before. Yes, the suffering will be over -- and it has to be tremendous, cos I've never seen what I've seen.

Maybe the kicker is me. Went through Collin's surgery, went through 3 (three) of Austin's surgeries on his ankle within probably as many months, and was gearing up for taking Crystal's thyroid out.

This kind of knocked my legs out from under me. There's an old saying about people like me...we like to think we are "Tugboat Annie", but we really aren't.

It does help to share, and I do appreciate your words. Thank you.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

My friend and brother passed away at 6:30 this morning. So much for that two week to month timeframe. Greg, you were such a stand up guy and all of our hearts are breaking this morning, but we know you aren't suffering anymore and that's probably what is going to keep some of us going today and this next week.

We know there was no money for burial, no money for a cremation, no money for your mass, but we will all get together and celebrate your life -- rest in peace my friend. I sure am going to miss you. Love you.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Guess I need to check my template...weird things going on with the postings. I posted something last night and yesterday and it shows 4/6. Today, it shows 5/6...hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for you and yours that you lost your brother and friend. It had to be hard to watch him suffer and not be able to stop it. I’m sure that your just being there helped him and you. A few more days till his 50th birthday celebration would have been great for you all, but not to be. Instead he’ll have a heavenly celebration. Hope you remember all those good times and may they bring you smiles. Take care. Susan

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Thank you friend, Yvonne

shirley baird said...

I know it is hard for you and your family to lose him but as you said he is not suffering anymore.

As Susan said he will be celebrating his birthday in heaven. Best place for a birthday party I can think of.

God Bless You


A Democrat in Floyd County said...

You're right Shirley! Susan nailed it on the birthday party. It was probably us wanting to have the party more than him, just to keep him around a little more.

He's going to have the best birthday party ever, and it truly helps thinking that way.

Be safe...& thanks.

Christopher D said...

I am very sorry for your loss. But it sounds as if he had a great friend by his side.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Thank you for that. We are so happy when we found out Hospice was able to give him his last rites as his Catholic religion dictated AND Saint Barnabus out in the Hikes Point area is going to do a funeral mass for him Saturday morning.

Strange how things work their way out...and good friends are so hard to find. I was the lucky one that got to be his friend.