Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Scuttlebut in New Albany

Seems to me like it may be time for a new posting. Boy, you can tell it is "election season"...all the scuttle but, ya know.

Let's see...where do I even start? With my 49 year old brother dying on the same day as my 82 year old cousin, I've sort of gotten myself behind the "8" ball, so to speak.

Personally, to start off with, I am absolutely amazed that a Republican candidate wannabe actually threatened the Republican nominee for Mayor, namely Randy Hubbard. Reality sort of dictates you would never "threaten" a police officer, much less show up at his house and threaten he and his wife. To me, I'm not sure if it would be called audacity, or delusional, or downright stupidity, or perhaps a person who thinks they are the save all, end all, to New Albany's problems. Can you imagine going to a police officer's house and threatening he and his wife? Is the word I am looking for "narcissism"? There is no way I can even imagine doing such a thing, but evidently someone thinks they are the save all, end all, for New Albany. I am not sorry you lost in your bid for Council at Large. It truly should speak volumes to you and whatever you think you are; and that's the only nice way I know how to word it. As I'm not for sure how far it got you, I know it did you a great deal of harm.

Next...Brenda, Brenda, Brenda. No, I will not and could never support you for office, of any kind. As I did not mention your "antics" while Larry was running, because they were your actions, not his (I'm not even sure he knows about 'em), now would be the time for me to tell you why I will not support you and I will now expose your attitude towards even the basic of "voting" principles which absolutely rubs me the wrong way.

Mayor Garner's mother and father-in-law witnessed what happened to you and I the last time Larry ran for Mayor. You showed up at our Precinct with a Vote for Scharlow shirt on. As a poll watcher for the 3rd Precinct, and being the Precinct Committeeperson, I challenged you on election day because you tried to enter the polls with the "Vote For Scharlow" shirt on. As I told you, you, legally, could not wear that shirt in to vote. Most people turn their shirt inside out, put a jacket on, etc... Not you. You actually got in my face and told me people were looking at "your smile" and "not your shirt". That would have been when I personally went nose to nose with you and told you "I wasn't looking at your smile, I was looking at your shirt". Unfortunately for me, the Republicans were in charge of the poll at that time, and I was actually overruled. As far as I am concerned, you have no respect for voting laws and you are in favor of "electioneering". Too bad, sooooo sad....

Also, do you remember the time you visited my house and told me you were having a going away party for Brett Scharlow because he was going away to college and you wanted it to be a surprise party? As you told me, you knew I had all of the contacts of all of the people up and down E Main and would I share them with you so you could invite them to the party?

Well, we all showed up to this "quote unquote" surprise going away party for your son (after I bought him a gift, which I still don't know what happened to); we ALL were shown in the front door, up the stairs and down the back and then told it was $490,000.00 to buy your house. The audacity you showed in your lying to me was unbelievable. To this day, I still feel like I owe my neighbors an apology for misleading them, based upon your lies.

So, make no mistakes about it...I will vigorously oppose you trying to unseat Steve Price. See, I know after you were defeated by Overton, you demanded from the County Clerk you then wanted to run as an Independent. When you were told you couldn't, legally by law, you insisted the County Clerk was lying to you...except they weren't. Sort of shows your intelligence level, ya know?

Seeing as how one of our "blog members" now sits on DNA, I would ask how you are allowed to put seats, etc., out on that sidewalk with your new "rental" restaurant, while Little Chef has been restricted in that manner. Shouldn't everyone play by the same rules, DNA? What's up with that?

Without our AV being certified yet by the State; not knowing how much we had to cut out of the budget the City is operating under; starting the year out $600,000.00 in the hole and ending the year with 1.2 million in the hole; man, this really ought to be one interesting budget process. We still don't know how much we need to cut out of this current year, much less trying to go into another in the hey can you possibly do it? No rationale, no sense and no LOGIC.

What with the new "Consent Decree" in for the sewers; EMC trying to ante up for another 4 years even though both Mayoral candidates want 'em gone; the problems with the grievances filed by City Employees through the Board of Works; mon, where do you even start?

Just my feelings and just my opinions. And, by the way, I never stated Jimmy Hollis was arrested for solicitation -- I simply stated who the Democrat candidate was that was over there the day "Candy" got out of jail. Do you know he even brought Candy and an ex-murderer to Evan Bayh's rally down at the White House Center? Truly, I felt like telling the Secret Service -- "you got a problem here" -- but I didn't. Every dog has his day...and yes, maybe he did serve us well for 20 years on the County Council, but I wasn't here then. As a witness, I only know what you've been up to lately. As Maury Goldberg said -- "why doesn't he just marry an ugly woman"? Well, Maury, she can't only be ugly but make sure she hasn't bathed in a while. The stench will keep you at least 10 feet from this individual; the smell of non-bathing is that bad.

Yes, I could go on and on. As I've been extremely traumatized by my "brother's" death; my cousin also died the same day at the age of 82 up in Ashland. Have you ever felt like someone gave you a bad penny and you needed to rid yourself of it...that'd be me.

Simply thoughts, opinions, facts, and my feelings on various subjects. Truly, there must be more to come, hey?

Peace, NA.


A Democrat in Floyd County said...

More scuttle but...Carl Malysk is back working for the City in place of Paul Wheatley. Bad news bears.

Seems like Broadus's lawsuit is exposing more illegalities that happened under the last Building Commissioner...something like maybe charging for each inspection you did, on top of all the other fees this City wouldn't do the inspection without MORE MONIES? Who in the hey do you think you are (or were, in this case)?

There is so much more.........Later

The New Albanian said...

"Shouldn't everyone play by the same rules, DNA? What's up with that?"

Last time I looked, sidewalk activities were being regulated by the Board of Public Works, not Develop New Albany.


A Democrat in Floyd County said...

You got me on this one! DNA usually works hand in hand with businesses downtown (what we may have left) and have taken over the Farmer's Market, so I'm just not sure if DNA doesn't help regulate it to some extent. If they don't, well, I'd apologize.

Remember the furniture store that couldn't set stuff out on the sidewalks, and they finally ran 'em out of town...same issue...not suppose to block the sidewalks -- I think you are allowed to extend out in front by 2'. That's why Little Chef's are up against the building because of that 2' rule. The whole sidewalk is blocked by our newest eatery in town. Did they get permissision? Who knows? That's how the game is played in New Albany...what's the name?

I would be the sarcastic one today, and I do apologize for my tone. If you only knew how many years we worked to get any chairs and tables outside of Little Chef, and then...along comes someone who, well, that's probably better left unsaid as to how I feel.

The New Albanian said...

The only problem with your sarcastic tone is that it makes it difficult to determine whether you agree or disagree.

I think you're conceding that some aspect of the rules weigh against Little Chef, in which case I'd be happy to accompany Little Chef to the Board of Public Works to seek a ruling (i.e., an exception). That may have been what the "new eatery" did. Or, perhaps she didn't go at all and is in violation ... in which case, we both agree that the rule should be enforced, and so often in NA, it isn't.

But, again, I don't know what any of it has to do with DNA.

During my time as a member of the DNA board, approx. 6 months, I can't recall anyone bringing up the topic of the rules for sidewalk tables, whether for Little Chef or the new eatery.

I also can't recall anyone proposing that the organization usurp the Board of Public Works in such matters, although I DO recall on several occasions it being said that the BPW should be consulted or asked about a specific issue.

Gee, I'm still trying to figure out which failed at-large candidate and savior-for-hire you're speaking of. Dork ... or Mindy?

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

And the scuttle but keeps on rolling...rumour has it the past budget has finally come back. The City has to cut $700,000.00, which is better than last year's ordered cuts.

Now, the $700,000.00 question -- where and/or what are you going to cut it from?

The media are asking good questions, though, about Mr. Malysk's hiring, and about his past.

The "King" of tax abatements and TIF areas, and the wonderful planning done with the way our streets run and how progress was made.

In an article that appeared in the Tribune condemning the parking garage, former Mayor England and Carl were deemed the "Momma and the Poppa" of that disaster, which cost citizens millions. One day we passed him on the street and my daughter asked if he was the "Momma" or the "Poppa" (she reads the newspapers, too). I told her to flip a coin.

You truly haven't sat through a City Council meeting with this gentleman to understand my frustration at his re-hiring. One story I can relate is one night we were attending Council and he was going on in his way and two ladies in front of us passed a note. The note said "this guy has been talking for over an hour and hasn't said anything".

The memories of the lawbooks he would pull out and recite to Council, trying to convince Council's attorney he knew the law. There was always a tremendous temptation on my part, as a citizen, to tell him it was against the law to practice law without a license.

We had a disagreement over how he formed the UEZ zone. He put ALL OF MANSION ROW, some of your prime real estate in town, into the blighted area for the UEZ. When I asked him why he did it, he told me he wanted to capture where Scharlow's are building behind me. I told him he could have simply came down Water Road and up E 6th St without putting our real estate into a "blighted" area.

He had no comment.

The more tax abatements I watched go through the more convinced I was that surely citizens, like me, could get a tax abatement for the remodeling of our homes. Why not? I'd employ local people (one of the requirements), etc. Mr. Malysk disagreed with me, but eventually sent me one because evidently I was right. The only reason I didn't fill out that piece of paper was we did not want to play footsies with our taxes and the City. Still have that form.

Oh, it just gets more and more interesting. When Garner first ran and won the Primary, someone gave me a piece of paper down at the City County building. Examining it later, I found it to be a real estate disclosure and the City had "bought back" the old Lucas Tobacco Warehouse and the old WR Grace Co (don't hold me to that right name) for a sum of $20.00. All of that land Walmart supposedly purchased and here we were buying it back.

At a fundraising I showed this document to then Candidate for Mayor Garner and he took me in the back and lo and behold there was Carl sitting there at a table. Garner asked Amani Ali if she wanted to ask Carl the questions, but I asked Amani if she would let me. After a few questions, it finally dawned on me to ask "was this part of the original deal when Walmart came in"? His left hand went up to the back of his head (a clear sign in body language knowledge) and he actually said words I have never heard him say before -- "I don't know". At that time, I turned to Garner and said "there's the answer", because there isn't anything he doesn't know, and he was definitely on top of that Walmart deal...sooo...and...

Yeah, I know, boo hoo me...but until you experience Council meetings with this individual, you just really haven't experienced New Albany.

I see New Albanian is sending me an answer, I guess to our discussion out here in blog land. Better go read it.

Peace, NA. It's hard for me to think about this regression we have just been put in. Same people, just a different day.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Sorry. My belief as to DNA's mission, as I have been told in the past, is to help downtown businesses move in and further expand if they are already here.

I would never suggest DNA usurp the Board of Works on anything. They do a good enough job, in and of theirselve -- usurping, that is.

If DNA had nothing to do with this establishment opening up and didn't know it does violate law...I do apologize. Hope you accept same. Thank you.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

BTW, the story about the at-large-candidate going to Randy Hubbard's house was first relayed to me about Mayoral Candidate England. Talking with Mayoral Candidate Hubbard, I found it was worse than what the other had told me.

Aw, you know who I'm talking about. I know I can't fool you!

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Dear Anonymous - Okay, I won't print your comments, but I will give you the information you mentioned you needed.

The story about Carl Malysk being fired is in the Courier-Journal archives dated November 8, 2002 and states Overton fired him for his conduct during the prior City Council meeting.

No, I do not remember the scenario...maybe it will come out in the CJ tomorrow, if they do a story, and if they talk with Overton.

Who knows?

Yes, his salarie(s) will not be coming out of the General Fund, which is where we have to cut our $700,000.00 from. His salarie(s) will be coming from your EDIT tax and from Federal Redevelopment monies.

Yes, there are people downtown who make a lot more money than that. We have fire "Corporals" making over $100,000.00 a year. Just ask.

Yes, I will release soon what will be affected in the General Fund, and what is outside the General Fund which will not be affected by the $700,000.00 cut needing done.

Yes, I do believe Carl started working for this fair City in 1979.

Hope that answers your questions without going into too much depth.

Thanks for writing.

Christopher D said...

After reading the posting and responses I am left with only one feeling......
Where are the hidden cameras for FOX's new reality show that obvisously is being filmed here in town!

Anonymous said...

Carl corrected Overton in a public meeting. She got upset and fired him.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Dunno; didn't pull those Council minutes -- haven't had time. I heard he didn't present something to Council the way she wanted or didn't present what she wanted, I dunno...

You may very well be correct.

Thanks for writing.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Dear Anon:

You were simply too kind in your name calling. Unfortunately for you, as a taxpayer advocate for this "county" for a while now; I've pretty much been called everything in the book.

Wonder which part of the posting you disagree with; as all of it can be verified.
