Saturday, December 02, 2006


It 'twas good reading the Courier-Journal article about "Bayh will take step toward running for president", by David Espe with the AP today December 2, 2006.

"Elected Indiana's (our) governor in 1988, he was the first Democrat in 20 years to hold that office and -- at 33 -- the younges state chief executive in the United States." Powerful statement and achievement.

Living in Indiana, it was with pride when you read about his political career and accomplishments. One of the sentences "Bayh was often referred to as a "Republicrat" who courted the middle." Hmmmmm. Sounds bi-partisan to me. "His approval rating was 79% in a state (our great state Indiana) that hasn't voted for a Democrat presidential nominee since Lyndon Johnson's 1964 landslide." Powerful sentence; a true sign of what I feel is needed in this great country of ours right now. Working together --what an idea.

Bayh "drew national notice, too, as his tenure as governor neared an end. He was tapped to give the keynote address at the 1996 Democratic National Convention and was elected to the Senate two years later."

This article goes on to state some of the positions he has taken while Senator of the great state of Indiana. Among the ones listed are: Bayh voted against confirmation of Supreme Court Justices John Roberts and Samuel Alito; opposed legislation to open a portion of an Artic wildlife refuge to oil drilling (near and dear to my families' heart); and supported and comprehensive immigration bill that included a path to citizenship for millions of men and women in the country illegally. Thank you, Senator. We appreciate those efforts.

The article goes on to talk about Bayh being the son of Birch Bayh, who won three terms in the Senate from Indiana before losing his seat in the Republican landslide of 1980.


Anonymous said...

More good news on the national media and again in the CJ. Hillary threw her hat in, too. Sorry, Hillary -- got to have a more "moderate" candidate (so to say) and one that I as a woman can accept.

Evan Bayh is still an extremely logical choice for President, GO EVAN GO! Only my opinions.

Acebass said...

Well I finally found it...
Good looking blog and I couldn't agree more about Evan...
I remember when his dad was still in office...I wish he would have run...
Evan is the centrist candidate that will unite the congress and make things happen. Evan is very electable and with the right Vice Presidential Candidate at his side we could occupy the White House for many years...
I will support the Democratic candidate for President in 2008 I certainly hope it Evan...

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

After reading/listening to the news of the last few days -- how are we going to get this momentum rolling for Evan Bayh? He and Lee Hamilton would be unstoppable.

We like Obama, but feel he's too young. We are not for Hillary. We need to get busy on this "grassroots" movement!

Thanks for your comments!