Thursday, January 11, 2007

Being Angry, as a Citizen

The news tonight truly angered me and mine, about what else of course but the "war". It's not enough the American public was lied to about the reasons for invading Iraq; it's not enough how badly things are going and unraveling, day by day; it's not enough how many of our troops have been killed and maimed; and for what? Why are we still discussing this topic and not getting the hey out of Dodge?

An up or down vote on whether Congress agrees with the President's new proposal; after he has ignored the Baker - Hamilton report; after he has ignored his own General on the ground; over EIGHT BILLION DOLLARS UNACCOUNTED for -- supposedly missing somewhere in the "new" Iraqi government; it's just more than this body can hardly handle. What's left to talk about? Get frigging busy. Jon Stewart did a count down tonight of how many days the new Congress has been in and what has been accomplished. Cancellation of a session because of a bowl game? Tape the durn thing.

The Doctor says I have low blood pressure and low cholesterol, and I'm thankful for that...but the Dr. may have wanted to have been around tonight because I found myself just carrying on talking to the TV like someone could really hear me, besides my company.

To hear the President say these people have no conscience was almost the breaking point. I would say to you Mr. President, I feel you have no conscience. You seemed extremely uncomfortable when you handed the family the award for their son who died for us. I almost felt you couldn't look them in the eyes.

Condi accused of not being truthful before the Congress by her own party, saying we are not in the middle of a Shiite and Sunni showdown at high noon. I'm glad someone told her that just wasn't true, and her own party, too.

I don't feel this is a party issue of any kind. I feel bad decisions were made and we are in another quagmire like Vietnam. I also feel we are probably our own worse enemy.

People protesting Guantanamo Bay all around the world truly startled me. Having lived in Ft. Lauderdale while working, it was always curious to me -- that little place on Cuba.

Wasn't it Hemingway who said the most beautiful island in the world is Cuba? One of my goals was to one day go there after Castro left power but now with his brother in there, I guess that won't happen for awhile.

Enough of my ranting and raving. After we called our Congressman and Senator telling them we didn't even want this war and didn't feel Iraq was a threat to our National Security, I guess we'll get on the phones with 'em again and speak up...evidently someone didn't get the hint when the American public voted.

What's up with that?


Acebass said...

I mirror your frustration. This President is playing a dangerous game. He has never personally experienced war so he is oblivious to what he is asking our young men and women to do.
They joined the National Guard not Regular Army. They didn't intend it to be career...
Our armed services are streched to the limits and this meglomaniac is forcing them to do more...
Watching his speech the other night, I couldn't help thinking what the German citizens of 1932 where subjected to. I felt very uncomfortable watching him.
With his approval rating at it's lowest ever GWs gotta go...Now!...

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Amen, more talking about it; burn those subpoenas up like they did during the Clinton administration; I want all the dirty little details of what I think may be bigger than Watergate, in and of itself, i.e., the cover-up; the misdisception; Haliburton's involvement; gee, the list could go on and on.

Thanks for your time and thoughts.