Saturday, January 13, 2007

Blog Land in New Albany...

Every once in awhile, I have time to visit all the blogs I know about in New Albany, and elsewhere. Every now and then I learn something new about something, i.e., Heathblogger letting us know who now serves on the Floyd County Hospital Board of Directors.

Maybe one day soon I'll even have time to figure out how to link to all of them! My brother-in-law tried to help me figure that "thang" out on Christmas Day, but we didn't succeed. All in good time.

Diggin' in the Dirt always has useful information, along with beautiful photography. Something else I need to learn how to do...

Speak Out Loud NA is simply allowing "certain" people to play to their heart's content out there...exposing who they are and what they are up to. After noticing an anonymous comment last week about "is there a turf war on Main Street?", my curiosity was peaked, so to speak. After reviewing more comments posted anonymously on there, I would have to say it sure seems like there is, doesn't it?

Having received a booklet from Indiana Cities and Towns last year explaining blogging and how much they would "effect" public elections in the future, I realized they were right on the money.

Elections are always treated as "sacred" on my part, what with my very first vote being challenged when I was 18 years old. While serving as 3rd Precinct Committeeperson, I worked like a dog from about 4 am to 8 or 9 pm, taking care of business. We always had 1 particular person at the door at 5 til 6, making sure that poll was open at 6 am. I would insist he be the first to vote, rather than the workers that day, just because of his devotion in making sure things were "right". This position can make you a nervous wreck, there are so many documents as Inspector you have to swear your life away to with every piece of paper you put your name to.

There was one time an older gentleman came in and told me he simply wanted to vote for President and Vice-President and he told me he did not have to be registered. Luckily, I had thumbed through all of the different "types" of ballots in the briefcase they provide for you, and sure enough -- there was a ballot for voting just for President and VP, and sure enough, you didn't have to be registered to vote in order to do same. Truly a big lesson learned by me that day, and I am so thankful I didn't question his "authority" he aired while talking to me about the subject. Does that mean, I wonder, this person could go to every poll and vote doing that? Or, did he simply have to live in my precinct? I was left wondering about the issue, but "assume" (and we all know what that will get me) the voter simply has to live in the precinct where they're voting. What a wonderful right to have which I wasn't even aware we had.

But, after having successfully doing my volunteer civic work in running this precinct, I felt it was time to move on and let someone else handle the job. Missy Jacobs (the attorney Bill Allen's daughter) is an excellent worker and will do well as the 3rd Precinct Democrat Committeeperson.

The blogs will really start heating up once the filing date of (I think) January 23rd rolls around, but I promised you the link to all of the election information, and here it is: . Thanks to the New Albanian for correcting same.

Take care, New Albany.


A Democrat in Floyd County said...
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The New Albanian said...

You missed a slash:

That gets you there.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Thank you. Appreciate that...I figured that could be a possibility. Good info out there!