Monday, January 15, 2007

Blog Land, Part 2

Yes, we all knew it was coming to this. Been leading up for awhile that SPEAKOUTLOUDNA.BLOGSPOT.COM was being used for "Freedom Of Speech's" playground.

After speaking with a great number of people, we feel all credibility is gone with "FOS", we have begged them to open their blog, but no...they posted again on SOLNA down under the NAPP article with a threat.

Well, deal with this one...this blog is now with a Moderator for awhile, also. I get to decide who will comment and if it's appropriate and pertains to the issue at hand. The options are simply running out, aren't they?

If I felt I knew, or even understood what your intentions are, I might wish you good luck. Since I don't, well, better left unsaid. Sure do wish you had left SOLNA along and let it become on of NA's rare places of "Freedom of Speech", with anonymous comments; but EastEnder understands that with OUR right of Freedom of Speech comes responsibility for OUR words and OUR actions.

We, all of us, don't care to hear about it anymore. Peace.


Anonymous said...

who is FOS? congrats for that awesome statement calling FOS down for what she is, a total pack of lies and a manipulator , bravo

Anonymous said...

After hounding FOS for what seemed to be months on end on just about everypost via email to "erika", he/she finally emailed me back after I put a tagline at the bottom how I should not expect to receive a reply, since it is probably like the blogsite, where Freedom of Speech and representing the "little people of New Albany" comes under the conditions that
#1) the representation of the citizens of New Albany are represented in only the administrators opinions.
#2) There can be no contestation of her word, when she "speaks" it is the gospel truth, democrats and truth be damned.
I fully realize that FOS is under no moral, ethical or legal obligation to allow commentary on what is basically a publicly accessable diary. And the freedom of FOS to say what they want, when they want, and hw they want are Contsitutionally granted rights.
BUT, when you claim to be the voice of the citizens of this city, and when you consistantly use phrases such as "we the people of New Albany" to start a political chiding of how many times a public official used a kleenex that the city paid for, and that FOS feels they could have caught one more snot in it before wating tax payers monies.
When your preamble to an entry suggests that your opinions are upheld by the majority of the constituency of this city, at least have the common decency to let that constituency comment publicly on what you have said.

The New Albanian said...

As I'm sure my council rep has said on more than one occasion, "you reap what you sow," and FOS has a bumper crop of bile to harvest. But lest we forget that while there are those you exercise anonymity responsibly, there are others who use it as a bludgeon, and write things that they'd not think of saying to their target's face. It always will be a problem. That's why an active and truly judicious moderator is so important.

CSD hits it: Ms. Denhart and Ms. Bolovschak and whomever else is behind the willful deception at FOS certainly do intend to use it in the way they do, as a means of avoiding dialogue. Most of the rest of us hereabouts would very much love to find a way to bring ourselves together for a measure of common good. FOS doesn't. Too bad. History's verdict isn;t going to be kind.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

If I had to label what has been going on, which I hate to do because it is simply my opinion, but I consider the behavior of these individuals "self-destructive".

It's not as if everyone in town doesn't know what is going on. New Albany is like the little town of Flatwoods, where I am from. News goes in one ear and comes back in the other ear 15 minutes later, perhaps with a slightly changed, but mostly same, version. As my dad use to say about one of our nosy neighbors, God Rest Her Soul, but he swore she knew when we flushed our toilets. Hee Hee.

If attention is what they wanted, I too doubt they will like the kind of attention they have attracted.

And, at the same time, none of us have a clue as to what else/all they are capable of doing, both physically and through the written word medium.

But, again, those would be only MY opinions. Too many public incidents have been witnessed by me and others to not be aware, and wary. What a shame, and waste.

Thanks for your comments.

G Coyle said...

Thanks for turning off that slander blog. Who knows what makes some among us see a stew cooking and need to stir it? Democracy works if people disagree; with respect.

Anonymous said...

did FOS not understand the wildcat she was foolin with yvonne, clean her clock

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Yep, I bleed blue -- GO UK. Can't help it, my oldest daughter was born at UK Medical Center and up where I'm from that was the ONLY team we knew about or cared about in Kentucky!

There are old stories how Eastern Kentuckians would leave all of their porch lights on when the UK team came flying in from out of town, simply out of respect. We do take these kind of things seriously.

Gina, I couldn't agree more. Maybe it's all of my consulting work, maybe it's the way I was raised; but I was taught there is "never an excuse to be rude". And, you always get more bees with honey than vinegar...any day of the week! I'm glad, too, though I hear phonecalls were made to a couple of individuals I know from one of the parties in question.

As I said, too many public incidents not to be aware and wary. Don't let your guard down just yet...if you know what I mean.