Friday, February 02, 2007


As my friends e-mailed me this story, gotta admit, I was shocked.

To all politicians running for office, if you sign this document (or pledge as he calls it), I will definitely work as hard as I can against your re-election or election, whichever it may be.

#15 really cracks me up. Just be aware, this man does not speak for me or mine or most human beings in this town. It only shows how full of crap this Administration is for using a private business man (or is he) to print this garbage.

Please publish the results, Tribune. You ran the questions, now publish how any candidates actually were stupid enough to sign this. Thank you.

This is my opinion. Swing away....just when you think you have seen all types of tyranny, fear mongering, blah, and this comes along! My opinion only, but you may be a few bricks shy of a full load!

Here are some of the questions -- please forgive the lengthiness, but until you read it you may think you are in another chapter of BAD history, and please excuse me while I disagree with some of his logic!

SMITH: Walk this plank, candidates -- NO
BY RANDY SMITH Local Guest Columnist

— The opening bell for the 2007 city elections sounded recently and over the next several weeks we’ll be treated to speculation from the chattering classes and dozens of ill-informed rumors from a class that chooses to remain anonymous. It is my hope that any man or woman who gets the party nod for city council will have earned it. By earning it, I mean that they will have campaigned on a platform of ideas. I believe that any candidate who does will benefit from a sharp increase in turnout that this city has seldom seen. While no candidate will embrace all of these proposals (in fact, they’d probably be crazy to do so) (AMEN), I offer them up as a menu for action, free of charge, to any candidate bold enough to articulate them further. Some are tougher than others. Some will be controversial. But I believe in them all.The editors have chosen to publish this as a series, and you can look forward to future installments. (God, help us all!) So, Mr./Ms./Miss/Mrs. Candidate, grab a plank and start wielding it. (Noooooooo)

1. I promise to a) sponsor legislation immediately and secure passage within six months of taking office that will enable the creation of a municipal court and judgeship no later than 2012; b) propose an ordinance to fund one-fourth or more of the anticipated start up and first-year operating costs of the court in each of the next four budget years; and c) petition the legislature to allow or the governor to make appointment or direct the election of a municipal judge to take office sooner than 2012.2. (Sorry, Randy, we had a City Court and it couldn't pay for itself (went belly up) have some history to catch up on, real quick. I affirm that I have read at least one book in the last 12 months that addresses an issue of urban governance and that I learned something from it that I will apply to the duties of my office. What I learned is this (fill in this blank, Ms. Candidate)… Is this to promote the selling of books in your bookstore? Whoever heard of such a thing? 3. I will publish a mailing address, a phone number with voice-mail capabilities, and an e-mail address to be used by petitioners and residents wishing to contact me and that I will respond in a reasonable time to confirm receipt and to acknowledge the comment or request and that I will, to the best of my ability, answer all questions put to me in person, by phone, by letter, or by e-mail, and will follow up to determine whether the request has been satisfactorily resolved.4. I will support the appropriation of funds to create a fully functional Web site for the city to include down loadable documents, including applications and permits, and online payment processing for city fees, including fines stemming from city citations, and including servers to provide all city employees and elected officials with e-mail capabilities. Elected officials and department heads will be required to maintain and update a page or pages and provide a level of services online commensurate with other comparable cities. All city ordinances and resolutions and their supporting documents shall be made available online from the time they are submitted for consideration and shall be archived, available, and down loadable to all who may seek them. (They already are, for the most part! You have the rest of the money you would like to shell out of your pocket?) (Shouldn't that may be put in a future budget by the CITY CLERK, not YOU?) 5. I will sponsor an ordinance and appropriation to ensure that all meetings of official city government bodies be recorded by traditional written minutes, by audio record, and by video record, and that all will be made available online to all requests. Deposit copies of each will be stored with the city clerk, who will have the funds and capabilities to reproduce the records on request, and at the public library, for which the city shall provide the equipment and funding to make those records available for listening or viewing at the library. The library may, at its discretion, duplicate the records for historical storage and for public circulation to its subscribers. Such records shall be made available without charge to accredited media and any person or entity that will make the record publicly available for free. Offline requests of duplicates may be assessed a fee for duplication, subject to statutory limitations. (You are leaving out the law which states all tapes recording meetings must be held "off-site" in a "safe" retention center and must be maintained for at least FIVE years, before being able to be recycled. Even if meetings are taped, hard copies are still required.) 6. I will hold a minimum of two hours of scheduled open meetings each month at a publicly announced place and time to hear the comments and take the requests of constituents and petitioners of my office. (This one might tick me off if I was running. These people not only attend Council meetings, they sit on other Boards, and they do meet with their constituents. All answer the phone to me and mine -- why not you?) 7. I will introduce, within 30 days of taking office, an ordinance and appropriation authorizing a professional needs analysis for the conversion of downtown streets to two-way traffic. I will introduce, during my first year in office, the appropriate ordinances and appropriations to substantially restore traffic patterns on downtown streets to two-way traffic, with attention to the requirements of safety and commerce. One imperative will be improving the safety of residents, bicycle riders, and pedestrians in the residential zones of Elm and Market streets by diverting the majority of eastbound traffic to Spring Street, which is designed to accommodate through traffic. Appropriate traffic-control measures should be implemented, not excluding barriers and pedestrian-only zones, to effect this diversion of traffic. I believe that Pearl, Bank, and Third streets will experience a rebirth in commercial viability once the realignment of traffic patterns is achieved.8. I will propose that the offices of the city attorney, the economic development director, the redevelopment director, and the planning and zoning functions be doubled in staff and tripled in funding for the next budget year and will encourage such additional appropriations during my first year in office to achieve the same effect. In return, I will expect, respectively, a rigorous enforcement and prosecution program from the city attorney’s office; a vigorous assistance and promotion program from the office of the economic development director; an aggressive grant-seeking operation, including the possible retention of a Washington advocate, for federally funded programs, including mass transit, parks, sidewalks, etc.; and a year-long review of zoning policies to include monthly meetings for public input on an area-by-area basis; (BTW -- INDOT has all of the studies and originally wanted to make Spring Street two ways. You've got your own neighbor's opposition on this one, don't ya?) 9. By resolution, ordinance, appropriation, and all other permissible means, I will seek an expression of intent that the city shall prefer all new development requests to demonstrate that the renovation and occupancy of existing building stock within a designated district, such as the Urban Enterprise Zone or its like, has been examined and rejected by the applicant. Such preference shall be made clear by a two-tiered fee structure for permits and all other fees under the jurisdiction of the city, as permitted by statute. That is, development, particularly renovation and reuse of existing building stock, within established precincts, shall be subsidized and preferred with reduced fees and that development outside such designated districts shall be assessed an ongoing City Core Restoration fee until such time that the city may determine it is not longer needed as an incentive to preferred development. (With Mr. Cochran seeking new incentives against this very thing, you may have a slight problem.) 10. By resolution, ordinance, appropriation, and all other permissible means, I will seek an expression of intent that the city shall prefer that economic development and promotion of the city be managed by the office of the economic development director. Private economic development agents seeking the grant of municipal funds shall be required to demonstrate that the same funds, if expended by the office of the economic development director, would not achieve a greater benefit to the city and its residents. Nothing in this shall limit the ability of the executive and the economic development director to contract for services or to contribute to multi-jurisdictional efforts conducted by private economic development agents.11. I will, by vote and in debate, oppose permitting motorized vehicles, as defined by ordinance, to use the Greenway within the city limits of New Albany. In brief, I believe it should be the policy of the city to make the Greenway accessible, but limited to pedestrians and bicyclists, and that cars and trucks should not be permitted to use the Greenway except at designated access points, which presumably will be parking areas. The idea that the Greenway should be a riverfront highway, even at severely reduced speeds, is in conflict with my idea of what that resource should provide. Vehicular access up and down the river is adequate today and the Greenway should be preserved for economic, aesthetic, and environmental reasons. In addition, to the extent the city council can influence said decision, I will oppose the construction of a new bridge at the mouth of Silver Creek, preferring instead a Greenway route that skirts north of the Loop Island Wetlands and utilizes the existing infrastructure of the railway bridge. Given that, in New Albany, the Greenway will be a primarily pedestrian/bicycle path, there is no economic or environmental justification for an ecology-destroying new span.12. During my term in office I will encourage negotiation with the railroad companies to permit the K&I Bridge to be used as a pedestrian/bicycle span. I believe that connecting New Albany to the Louisville/Portland riverfront will create a recreational and economic incentive that is sensitive to the health and environmental needs of New Albanians, to regional residents, and to visitors. Coordinating such a program with the Greenway should be an imperative for this city.13. I would make it a priority of the city to immediately designate, pave, and stripe a network of bike paths in the city and to pass appropriate ordinances enforcing the primacy of bicyclists on such designated paths. Within four years, I would hope to have implemented more than 25 miles of such paths, all of which connect to the Greenway, and thereby, to adjoining cities. (Who in the hey do you think you are? This is our neighborhood, too. Do you even live downtown? BS.) 14. I believe it is imperative that we restore the enterprise functions of the city to a self-supporting basis. That means, first, that I will oppose the use of general fund tax money to subsidize the operations of the city’s sewer operations. The sewer operations were intended, and are indeed required, to be self-supporting from fees. If the city, through the city council, wishes to subsidize individuals because of need, or in the belief that their connection and service provide a community good, then the city should subsidize that individual or entity directly and openly. The continued subsidy that keeps sewer rates artificially low is a travesty of public responsibility. That is not to say that general fund tax monies can never be expended by transfer to the sewer utility, but such transfers should be justified under economic development or redevelopment criteria, not to keep rates artificially low. I believe that certain developments may be entitled to the waiver of, for example, sewer connection fees. The recent application of the Community Housing Development Organization is a case in point. I would propose that, instead of insisting that the sewer utility waive those fees, the city should pay those fees if it believes the CHODO project is a public good. (And, exactly what do you know about the past-dues Sewer bills; the free-flushers; the unfinished work and how downtown still isn't on, my oh my. Dig that hole deeper. ) 15. No matter what misgivings one might have had initially about the city contracting with a local company to provide its sanitation collection services, no person of good faith can now argue that it was a bad deal, either for the city or for those employees who chose to work for Southern Indiana Waste Systems. By all accounts, service levels are improved and morale among the employees is high. Dramatic rate increases have been avoided. I promise to watch very closely in the remaining years of this contract, but I must admit that it seems to have worked extremely well. I know that those in our city who are on fixed incomes appreciate the rate relief, and the general fund has been relieved of another of those hypocritical, if invisible subsidies. For the remaining term of the contract, we as a city will have more money available to fund our priorities. Really, then how come the State said we could not use public property for this garbage company and two of our trucks are sitting in Louisville right this moment, having been stripped? How do the think the Mayor is going to explain that one to the State Board of Accounts? And you really expect us to believe all this hooey? And it gets deeper...aargh 16. This next council will be the first to face an electorate fully aware of the fiscal demands of the Clean Water Act in regard to groundwater issues. For any council member to pretend that noncompliance is an option is for that council member to treat you as if you were an ignorant fool. The Storm water Board, though currently handcuffed (IS NOT), has a mandate that cannot be avoided. When you get that storm water bill, don’t come to me (something makes me think this person is really talking to their selves!). I will work with the board as much as possible to make sure they understand our priorities. I’d like nothing more than for the board to provide residents with ways to avoid the higher fees by adopting groundwater-friendly landscaping. Some very simple modifications to our yards (and driveways) can result in dramatic improvements. Through the fee system, the Storm water Board can encourage us to embrace such techniques.17. Although I possess the XY chromosome, I do have a wife, a sister, and a daughter. Accordingly, I would, if elected, call on my colleagues to institutionalize the designation of council member instead of the terms councilman and councilwoman. This and other newspapers, for various reasons, hang on to the gender-specific handle, but I’m growing tired of this. It is 2007, after all. (This is all you talking, not the voters, what a joke. We all try to be politically correct these days, do you actually think you are the first person to even think of this?) I’ll tell you what: when this newspaper begins to refer to Connie Sipes as Senatress, I’ll drop my objections. And on that point, though I might ask for your vote, I think it would be a great idea if the Common Council of the City of New Albany were comprised of a few more women. (Get your wife to run.) 18. I will never defend a program and then come back and blame the paid employees of this city for that program’s failure to work. Period. Be sure your candidate’s make that same pledge. (BS) 19. I will never fail to listen to an idea or opinion because of who is giving it to me…not because of their political party, nor because of personal unkindness. Likewise, if an ally, friend, colleague, or family member presents an idea, I will not support it solely for that reason. And in both cases, when it comes time to vote, I will announce the potential conflict and cast my vote. In that same vein, I ask you to hold me to account if I use the occasion of a vote to become a “drama queen” and issue forth with a Pontius Pilate-like praise for my own ambivalence and indecision.20. I will respect the appointees to the various boards, commissions, and study groups that help to manage this city. In most cases, these people work a thankless job, bringing a cross-section of community opinion into regulatory matters. I will thank them for their service and when they appear before the council, I will treat them with respect. (Really, like the time there were "PUBLIC BUDGET MEETINGS HELD" and you personally asked a Councilmember's wife, myself and the Courier-Journal to leave the room? Oh, so courteous was that episode. As Ben Hershberg said that night -- who are you, and my question is who in the hey do you think you are? A pugnacious Cheney, hee hee hee. My opinions of course, just like ALL OF YOURS HERE.) 21. At the first meeting of the council year, I will move to enshrine the public’s right to speak on any issue. Had I been on the current council, I would have moved to overturn the council president’s flat ruling that if an item is not on the agenda, members of the public may not address the issue. In the most recent case, the item was on the published agenda but subsequently removed. That’s a dangerous and undemocratic precedent that must be rejected by the next council.22. I will not thumb my nose at the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution like the current council has done. Twenty residents filed suit in Federal District Court seeking relief from the badly malapportioned city council districts. The districts, as they stand, clearly violate the Constitution, Indiana statutes, and city ordinances. The current council thumbed their noses at the facts and it will cost the city treasury. In fact, the elections of the six district council members will, in all likelihood, have to be held not only in 2007, but then again in 2008, since each will have been elected from unconstitutional districts. If elected, I will make a motion to settle the case immediately and correct this injustice, which values the votes of some residents over those of other districts.23. Council members have enough on their plates without taking on additional appointed duties. Where statute allows it, I would urge that no member of the council shall be appointed to boards and commissions, but rather, that “civilians” be appointed. Any council member is entitled to attend these meetings, but they should not be appointed members except where statute requires it.24. Whatever it takes, New Albany has to repair its roads and sidewalks. I will support the generous use of general fund monies to repair and repave our streets. An aggressive grant-writing department will be encouraged to seek every dime available to restore the safety and appearance of our streets.25. Whether the work is done by our streets department or by another entity, this city simply must clean up its streets. A study committee, working closely with state legislators, will be charged with finding a way to clear our streets and alleys of limbs, leaves, grass, litter, and other illegal dumping.26. I will insist that the council’s funds for training and cooperation with the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns be distributed equitably among council members. It is unacceptable that a single council member be the only one who participates in these multi-jurisdictional workshops and conferences. If only as a resource for solutions that have worked, broad participation by the council in IACT activities is essential. No longer will the entire budget be eaten up by meals and travel for one council member and spouse. (This is a flat out lie. None of the Council are interested in going up to Indy for the Indiana Cities and Towns meetings. Only one couple go, and they use coupons they get from their son who is a Regional Manager for the Southern Asian operations for their hotel rooms. It is not their fault the budget nor Council allows for any more. You truly do not know what you are talking about. For sure. Me and mine appreciate all of the information brought back from Indy so we may see which bills are pending that affect ALL OF US. If only one Councilmember shows interest, why is he being penalized? Because YOU do not like him? It is so obvious!)

Randy Smith is a New Albany resident and owner of Destinations Booksellers

Peace, NA. After all that, I need a Tylenol. Does he really think he represents you and I, and the rest of New Albany? Only a fool would go along with ideas which have not been researched in their entirety, have no funding for, and has no knowledge of history and how things really are. All I see is a wanna be "power-monger". I'm allowed my opinions, just as you are allowed to disagree with them! Isn't America a wonderful place?


The New Albanian said...

Yep, this one was inevitable:

"Is this to promote the selling of books in your bookstore? Whoever heard of such a thing?"

Indeed, whoever heard of reading in New Albany? Of learning? Of ideas that enrich minds rather than ones that fatten coffers. Why, sound plainly socialistic, eh? Wouldn't be caught dead with one of them there book thingys.

You aspire to be a fiscal conservative and a social liberal -- and while I grasp the grandma's piggy bank theory of economics, where do you think those liberal ideas came from?

Surey not the "we do it this way" sort of established and sniggering orthodoxy that you defend, you can be sure, but from principled and educated thinkers -- and they wrote it down for us to read. Period. Books have changed the world, haven't they?

Randy's capable of defending himself as to his erudite and much appreciated policy points -- imagine that, policy points written in such a way as to lead to debate and discussion among adults, clearly not the way we do it here in New Albany -- so I needn't enumerate the instances where your anti-intellectual jihad bias shows, nor accuse you of doing it intentionally, because probably it's too far progressed for that. Just make yet another in a long line of unfounded accusations about being in the mayor's pocket, and giggle some more.

I know you're frustrated, but the tragedy of it is that what you're making fun of -- a smarter city -- is the only hope you have of winning in matters like the sewer wars. But I don't think you really want to win any longer, and that's a shame even if the martyr's shawl fits so comfortably.

Sorry. Just my opinion. Go Colts.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Books are the only way I have succeeded in life. I'm sorry you feel the way you do, but I truly resent someone, similar to FOS, proclaiming to know what all "WE" want.

Nothing against knowledge, better government; I simply felt I was being dictated to...and a lot of other people felt the same.

Hope we can gracefully disagree. Peronsally, I ddn't like his comments.

East Ender said...

The whole thing is an obnoxious tirade, perpetrated by a narcissistic wanna-be, that any candidate would be foolish to endorse or even address.
I predict this will ultimately lose the Tribune even more subscribers.
What on earth would possess any responsible media outlet to print a SERIES (???) of such muck?
No, he doesn't speak for me or mine either, nor anyone else I've spoken with. In fact, most people are laughing at the suggestions.
What he proposes would require expenditures of money far beyond what this city is capable of collecting, especially given the irresponsible use of TIF districts that has gutted the General Fund
(something he failed to address).
Purely ridiculous! That's all I have to say about it.

The New Albanian said...

I'm curious as to how you and others feel "dictated to" when the author and the newspaper prefaced the article's content with the proviso that these were being offered to further the debate.

You have substantive differences with some of the points made by Randy, and you're just as capable as anyone of offering rebuttals, but you (and others) have also leaped to conclusions, mistaking the messenger for the messenge.

Finally, how can anyone -- you, me, others -- fall back on this incredibly tired "you're not from here, how do you know" line of non-reasoning. The fact that someone is or isn't "from here" has no bearing on the veracity of his or her arguments, right?

Can't we agree on that?

What all of this does is point to the importance of all of us being together under one roof, face toface, to find common ground on these and other issues - issues that we all agree are important, even if we don't always agree on the specifics.

I will continue to stage meet 'n' greets, and I hope that a broad spectrum of the community attends. What does it take for us to subordinate just a bit of our personal prejudices for the good of the whole?

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Your meet 'n' greets are a great idea.

What would it take for us to subordinate just a bit of our personal prejudices for the good of the whole? Well (as my geography teacher use to tell me -- Yvonne, that's a deep subject), wouldn't we first have to identify what those prejudices are?

There use to be a League of Women Voters in town. Senator Sipes and I and a lot of other women would like to start this org back up and rather than just have Mayoral debates, let's have the Council debate (something they never do), at the Carnegie Center, or somewhere, with an objective moderator (someone not connected to New Albany).

This way, all of us can get on the same page. How's that for meeting half-way and for an idea who's time has come?

To us, the author of that article hit home personally by asking us to leave a "public" meeting, on our budget no less. There will never be an understanding on my part of "why" he did it, and "why" anyone would want OUR monies discussed in private. Beyond my comprehension.

He still doesn't speak for anyone I know...except possibly you.

Sure would like to see those Councilmembers debate -- that is something sorely needed in this town, rather than their measley five minutes on the NAHS channel, don't you think?

Thanks for your disagreements; and Eastender, thank you for your comments. The comments left a bad taste in my mouth, too.

Then again, maybe there is more to the story; maybe he's been elevated to a campaign manager for someone (though I can't possibly imagine who).

Later, New Albany. Great UK win today! Yeeeaaa.

Anonymous said...

You rock Yvonne! Could not have said it better myself. Great points!!!

The New Albanian said...

"Then again, maybe there is more to the story; maybe he's been elevated to a campaign manager for someone (though I can't possibly imagine who)."

Yvonne, if I saw you talking to Steve Price, and then you stood up at a council meeting and made a comment I disagree with, would it be fair of me to say that your comment was wrong because (obviously) Steve Price was the one who gave it to you?

It would be a fallacy if I were to argue that, and it's a fallacy for you to continue your suggestions that independent thinking is somehow impossible without it being tied to a politician.

Once again, neither the Tribune nor the writer suggested that a series of points meant to provoke response was intended to be physically "signed" by anyone, and that they were offered as a basis for debate -- and instead of this, the writer is being slimed by fallacy.

I suspect you know better.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

My apologies for not getting the number of clothes hung up that night at Council correct. Maybe it was the way I entered the building; maybe it was the shock of seeing Goldberg, Cannon, Smith, and others in the pack... My apologies - there were nine shirts hung on that line. To save our lives, we can't remember what that protest was over!

Sorry, New Albanian, you feel it necessary to compare me talking with Steve Price and innuendos being made out of same.

The logic for me falls down when you read #15. After taking all in context -- rested, took a nap, followed up to see if I was mistaken on how many shirts were hung out in front of the City-County building -- I can only tell you to peruse the sewer board minutes of January, 2006 -- they are online and tell me why the Sewer Board was told Sanitation is now 2 MILLION IN THE RED.

I kept asking myself "who's wish list is this"? Then, to me, it clicked. It's not as if Mr. Smith didn't have access to that particular contract before Council did; publishing it on "his" blog and proclaiming he had "blog" press credentials. How did he get that contract if not from the Mayor?

As a person who believes asking questions is healthy for a government; after watching a certain group make mockeries of anyone who appeared and spoke in public at you really believe in that many coincidences?

And how does ignoring the sanitation contract under #15 provide a means for a healthy debate?

BTW, wasn't Sanitation suppose to split off from the Sewers? Why, then, are the Sewer Board members getting Sanitation reports showing those kind of figures?

Again, please allow me to apologize to blog land I miscounted the shirts on the lines. Thank you.

The New Albanian said...

This is sooo typical. When your error is noted, you apologize for miscounting -- but you don't apologize for your original assertion, which was the patently false "hanging in effigy" line.

They weren't. Actually I proposed it, but the other idea was far better.

Then it's on to the folksy sidestep, "gee, can't even remember what it was for."

Although you DID remember it, even if the exact nature of the protest eludes you.

Yvonne, there's no such thing as "blog press credentials," just like there's no such thing as me being in the mayor's office on the night that Benumb Taxpayer said I was, or nothing to the mayor giving me two million dollars to open a brewery, or for that matter, there's neither a Santa nor a Loch Ness monster.

And yet, all these things have been passed along as fact at one time or another and never retracted.

Guess what? That's Karl Rove's way of playing ball.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

1. If they weren't effigies of all nine Councilmembers, what were they? The protest reason even escapes the very Councilmembers I called to tell me I was wrong on the number.

2. What other idea?

3. "Folksy sidestep"...if me stating an apology to all of blog land is a "folksy sidestep" be it. Call it whatever you would like. I call it an apology, to all. No apology for me not remembering whatever the protest was for.

4. I do not know of the "benumbed" taxpayer who said YOU were in the Mayor's office; nor did I hear the Mayor gave you 2 mil to open your brewery.

5. Virginia Wolfe may beg to disagree with you about Santa Claus, but I agree with you about the Loch Ness monster.

6. I will not retract statements I did not make...hope your truth comes out on that. I agree, it's wrong.

5. Wrong person about that Karl Rove "thang". Am I suppose to insinuate at this point in time as to what you mean by that comment?

Thank you for your comments. "Folksy" and all.

Anonymous said...

Hoping to eventually go through Mr. Smith's list of 26 ideas point by point as you so painstakingly did, I only have the time right now to get to the main question. What is the annual cost of each idea and where will the money be found to fund each idea? Otherwise this is just typical of what has always happened in New Albany over the years. Talk is cheap for many politicians, who just tell voters what they want to hear - not what they need to hear. So, not being able to raise property taxes more than allowed by law, what fees will be raised or implemented (how much) and what items in the current budget will be cut - did I hear cars? Also, I can't wait to find out the rest of the campaign promises - excuse me, ideas, that Mr. Smith believes candidates need to embrace! Perhaps, give a home (free of costs and taxes) in New Albany and a car to everyone who will register to vote. Mr. Smith and each candidate for office, need to go over (line by line) the last four years (or eight) of city budgets because the budget is the claim to fame (responsibility) of the City Council. Susan

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Yes, and I left one of the most crucial pieces of mis-information untouched. The City's General Fund does not fund the Sewers. Now, the Sewer Board, the President being Mayor Garner, does come to the Council and "borrow" monies; thus Susan and I's and another Councilmembers dogged determination to keep up with those monies and make sure the General Fund get the monies back.

The Sewer Board always says, and Council puts it in writing, the money will be paid back in six months. They ALWAYS come back and beg for a year's extension.


Anonymous said...

My opinions to add:

1. Municipal Court. I understand IC 33-38-5-6 states a full time Municipal Judge is to be paid $110,500 annuall (and retirement, etc.). Not sure if that qualifies here and/or if the state pays (or has to agree). Money for space would be needed for a courtroom, attorney/client conference rooms, paralegal and/or secretary, bailiff, records-keeping, etc. Whose idea was it to locate it in Scribner Place?

2. Just read the city ordinances and Indiana code. Then read about the changes coming from the state especially those affecting New Albany and Floyd County. Attend the Indiana Cities meetings and read the info given out to attendees.

3. & 4. Contact info for elected officials is in the clerk's office and on web sites. City Clerk, Marcey Wisman, has the correct web address (the city's web site is .com) and has all along been putting much info on the clerk's site. We were lead to believe the city's web site would be fully functioning under Overton's administration. They promised lots, but didn't deliver. Not sure of the limits of our current computers/servers (needs more money?). Requests, complaints and suggestions are still listed on the city's web site. Note: elected officials have no problem telling you the good news/answers. Some Council members try, but can't get answers or problems solved. They are still blamed. I believe some have even had to fill out freedom of information papers, just like the media.
5. Laws cover the handling of minutes of meetings and there are historical records. Just put enough money in the city clerk's budget.
6. Previous Board of Works on the move type meeting, and monthly meetings with availability of heads of departments before Council meetings for the "public" have all been tried before with limited success...elected officials and their department heads showed up, but only a "few" from the public attended. Let the public come to Council meetings with their problems again.
7. Seems like several studies and discussions were already held over the years on traffic flows downtown, especially concerning safety. Can't see using barriers. A pedestrian only zone brings back a bad vision of Fourth Street in Louisville when it was closed to traffic.
8. Adding new employees costs lots of money, and if the funding is tripled you have to come up with lots of new ways to extract money. So, permits and fees will be raised at least 10 times what they are now. Considering people want free rides, I see NO development in the city. New Albany already has two wonderful Washington advocates, Baron Hill and Evan Bayh. By needing a review of zoning policies, I wonder what is thought about the "Comprehensive Plan Year 2020" that was approved in 1999. The HNTB Companies of Indianapolis prepared the plan, which took two years with public meetings held. Can't remember that cost.
9. Many places and neighborhoods all over New Albany need renovation and reuse of existing buildings. Can't reduce fees because the city need too much money.
10. This sounds like blanket approval will be given by the Council to the Mayor and Economic Development Director to do what they want with funds, without going back to the Council for each individual request.
11. Banning motorized vehicles was discussed during public hearings on the Greenway years ago. This ban was not chosen. Jeffersonville and Clarksville allows them. Forbidding motorized vehicles to be used on the Greenway in New Albany restricts the handicapped from its use. Many older citizens, including those with arthritis and people who need air conditioning, are some of those who need motorized vehicles. The use of the recently renovated Silver Creek Bridge was discussed as an alternative route to crossing Silver Creek using a new bridge. Designated spaces for separate walking, biking, and motorized vehicles were shown in the plans. The Greenway needs to be enjoyed by all.
12. I though the use of the K&I bridge as a pedestrian/bicycle use was in the works. Liability of use is probably the greatest hold up, but money will eventually be a big item. Shame it can't be used again as an automotive bridge because that was the only way to get across the river during the BIG snow a few years ago.
13. Let's fix streets for cars, so maybe drivers can stay straight on the roads instead of dodging holes and sinking areas. Streets were not put back in shape after sewer repairs. There are not that many people who will give up cars to ride bikes.
14. Sewer money was borrowed and used to fund General Fund not the other way around. I remember when Mayor Overton came to the City Council and asked to borrow money from the General Fund, instead of a Bank, until the property taxes came due (tax anticipation). Council was always told the money was paid back to the General Fund. (That was about the time the computer ate the date). Economic Development Income Tax (EDIT) money was used for the sewers. That justification was because EPA/IDEM would not give any sewer credits for any development (Sewer Ban). Therfore, development was dead in the (polluted sewer) water until sewer pipes were repaired.
Hopefully I will get to continue later.


shirley said...

Wow, Susan is a tough act to follow.

As usual she puts everything in perspective and makes complicated issues understandable for the "regular" reader.

But I need to change the subject for a moment if I may.

I have opened a blog called Voice of the People. It is simply another forum for people to discuss current issues, the link is

Thanks for the space Yvonne and keep up the good work.

Christopher D said...

Is it not better to have some one out there adding positive direction and calling attention to the problems and possible solutions, rather than a riot of potential candidates making empty promises with no direction?

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

thanks, Shirley. Congrats on the new blog. Susan is always a tough act to follow; thus why I feel I'm losing my right arm with her moving out of town. What an education she gave me.

After she helped Main St. out with their sewers, I told her I'd stand with her until she got her's fixed -- her manhole blows and all kinds of nasty things happen, along with fish kills every now and then. Now, you would think this City would have wanted Susan and I out of their hair and would have fixed Susan right off the bat; but alas, wasn't to be. Never did fix the area. I wonder since she's moving if I get to take my word back now? (Just kidding, Susan). Nah, I'm not.

These "potential" city councilmembers have no where to debate. They will get their five minutes if they want them at NAHS; but other than that...what was the purpose? Let's force them into a debate -- we ALL KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEMS are. (Don't we?) Thanks for your comments. Peace, NA. Sewer Board 3:30 today. Fun, fun, and more fun.

Iamhoosier said...

Tyranny?? Fear mongering??

Would you explain that? You already went point by point and disagreed. That's the idea!! We know that you hate Randy. Did you let that hate overload your senses?

Tyranny?? Fear mongering?? So if anybody comes up with ideas that you disagree with--is it tyranny and fear mongering? C'mon.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Tyranny?? Fear mongering??

Would I explain that? This is an attempt to do that thing. Yes, they are harsh words, but I also (and this is I) felt that an ultimatum had been thrown out to Councilmembers who won't even be able to debate these issues.

Some items were not factual; some were misleading; some were "old history". Maybe those were strong words, but I strongly disagreed with the article and what I (and I repeat that, I) felt when I read it.

One thing you are wrong on. I do not hate Randy Smith, never have, never will. Now, I do have my disagreements with his actions and what I consider a know-it-all attitude, but no hate, and definitely no malice.

After having been a "paraody" for so long on another blog about our sewer efforts -- I find this funny. I felt malice, intimidation, name called, etc. Cerrtain, I didn't complain about it. He's welcome to his views, I'm welcome to mine.

Sorry if the article and my comments offended you. Thank you for your comments.

Anonymous said...

The first unethical candidate for mayor announced today good ole boy England so when does the wanna be auntie v file? The republicans should have their problem candidate too dont you think?

Anonymous said...

15. Whether the sanitation contract is a bad deal (or legal) may be up to others to decide. Yvonne, I remember when you called up state and asked those questions. Is it catch up time now? On the city clerk’s web site the Sewer Board minutes of Jan. 9, 2007 (not corrected from 2006 date yet) states (about the sanitation department) Brian Watkins from State Board of Accounts asked how you open an account for a department that is $2M in the red. I also remember when almost anything put out at the curb would be picked up by the city. Since that practice has stopped, so much junk is now just sitting around in the alleys.
16. Some people still are not aware of the fiscal demands of the Clean Water Act in regard to polluted creeks and rivers. Now the addition of storm water and groundwater issues may well find the sewers are still polluting. The problems will come when Council members and storm water Board members clash on the listing of priorities.
17. Many people try to use politically correct words. Gender specific handles give more information. The main problem occurs when someone uses a collective title of Councilmen and there is a woman included in the group. Best idea: all elected city offices comprised of totally all (very competent) women.
18. I feel Council members would not directly withdraw allocated funding for a specific program, unless they feel it was inappropriate, they were mislead, money was already given previously, or money was needed somewhere else. Council budgets money to a department and then department heads spend it. If a program is under funded, the department head needs to make those needs known to the Mayor and Council as soon as possible. Perhaps there are times department heads need to take blame. City budgets in New Albany are juggling acts, just as they are for most families.

19. It is always good to listen to everyone and to give acceptance to information given by some people, who you believe to be more credible and experienced. You must announce conflict of interests, but conflicts of opinions and being a namedropper isn’t always necessary. It is more important to give your reason behind a vote.
20. Respect is due the positions held by the appointees. The people, who are appointed, earn respect. If word of mis-conduct, lying, or other inappropriate behavior is heard that person will be questioned.
21. Should read: I will follow the city ordinance that states the public will speak after the Mayor. I will let the public have more than the 5-minute time limit imposed by Council President Don Gibbons in 2003. I will let the public speak on any issue, as they had been doing before “agenda items only” policy was allowed – I believe that was started in 2005.
22. A few years ago the Council did look at the districts like they were supposed to, so the lawsuit should not have been filed.
23. Appointments are made according to Indiana Code and New Albany Ordinances. If Council members want to serve on other boards, I believe they are voted on those positions.
24. Property owners are supposed to take care of the sidewalks that run in front of their property. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) money has been used. As I said in #13, streets were not put back in shape, after sewer repairs (money could be coming from the sewer department). KIPDA helps the city to plan – like widening Grant Line Road, but the city has to come up with 20% of the costs.
25. I thought a Code Enforcement Officer was to assist in clean up of some of these items. If the street department had more money, they could clean. As we all see – it comes down to money and setting priorities. Use General Fund money as we have in the past to do the work (and kick out some of the “new” items that have been added the past few years)? Or do we kick street department work out of the General Fund and privatize it also?
Just as important is to clean the creeks through out the city. That could be a case of life or death during a heavy rain. We have stories of Fire Department members (and I believe Police Department members) having to make rescues. Will clean up now be a responsibility we add to storm water?
26. I have truly appreciated the one Council member and spouse going to IACT and bringing back all the information that has helped many people know what the changes to our government are coming down the pike. Yes, I would like to add money to that line item and make all members attend.

It all comes down to OUR MONEY. Just my opinions. Thank you!

The New Albanian said...

If you refer to yourselves as "potty police," that qualifies as self-parody -- no further satire required.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Sure do wish you had been around when we came up with that name, the New Albany Potty Police. Maybe we could have called ourselves the crap patrol or the **** patrol, I dunno. We surely didn't enjoy any of the civic work we did for the citizens about the sewers. No fun, at all.


Anonymous said...

voters take note, Doug England says he wants to keep city departments from being privatized but when he was mayor he tried to contract out sanitation to Rumpke, also dont forget he was responsible for bringing the Engineers Tenny /Pavoni in to oversee sewers and alas Joe Pavoni had a few legal issues after his work in New Albany, need we say more?

Anonymous said...

And...Pavoni is now working for MSD. And may have trained some of our people working for EMC...

There's a lot more out there.

Anonymous said...

As far as I know, Joe Pavoni never had any legal issues pertaining to his work in New Albany. If you have any information contradicting that, please share. He was a professor at U of L and taught classes in engineering. He also authored a number of environmental books. Not sure what he is doing now.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
A Democrat in Floyd County said...

How can you, in good faith, morality, or whatever word within you, can you possibly say that about a person undergoing kidney dialysis, on a kidney transplant list, suffering things I can't imagine. If I could even find a reason for rationalizing why you would even say something like that; well, I can't.

I have only personally met Gina a couple of times. She seems like she is going to be a good neighbor. We hope to be a good one to her.

If you will notice on NAC, she accuses me of "malice" towards Mr. Smith. Does that sound like I'm listening to her?

My thoughts and opinions of people are my own...

But...about time for a new article, don't you think? The only problem I have, since I know all four so dang well, is which one do I start with?

Wish me luck -- and Gina. Thank you kindly.

The New Albanian said...

Of course, instead of offering Gina a purely back-handed message of support, you might have chosen to strike the offending message because it is cowardly.

Does "freedom of speech" include anonymous slurs?

Iamhoosier said...

I have a suggestion for an article.

How would you fix the sewer problem? It is Feb. 9,2007 about 3:15pm. Who-a, should-a, could-a ain't gonna cut it. It is, what it is, right now.

How do you think it should be fixed and how to pay for it?

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

You are right, New Albanian. Maybe because of the time of night I thought it came from csd619. I should have and I will. Thank you for pointing that out to me.

IAMHOOSIER -- I have to think about that one! Can you give me a couple of days on that one? Thanks.

Iamhoosier said...

You bet.


A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Then again Mark, we may want to hear what our "candidates" wish to do about same...see which one(s) peruse what and is willing to figure it out. $$$$$$$$

Anonymous said...

To IAMHOOSIER, about your question concerning the sewers, “How do you think it should be fixed and how to pay for it?” is the million-dollar question you should ask each candidate. By the way, are you (or someone else you want to help) going to be a candidate and looking for the answers just to show how smart and concerned you are? This is a political blog. So, who-a, should-a, could-a does matter because it is election time! Doug England and James Garner are candidates again. You have to evaluate their handling of the sewers and their communications with the Council. Also, some Council members have experience with sewers. Did they handle the problems and money demands correctly? How did they vote and why? Does experience matter? What would Mayoral candidates do about Sewer Board - keep it the same and serve on the board? Keep the same companies - hire old or new firms? Privatize? Hire and/or keep Management Firms? Bring back the city operated sewer department and the work back in-house? What are their thoughts about the Department of Justice, EPA, and IDEM? How will they deal with the Second Amended Consent Decree coming in the future? Do Council members know where and how to find information about problems areas for their constituents? Are they willing and able to serve on the sewer board?
Do they know where the current problem areas are located and why they are problems? How many areas have had problems over and over and over again? Why?

The sewer problems that are present today, February 9, 2007 may not be as bad as the problems in January 2008 (or even next week).
Susan (New Albany Potty Police)

Anonymous said...

To THE NEW ALBANIAN – because we refer to ourselves, as New Albany Potty Police is not satire aimed at ourselves. We tried for a long time to think up names. Couldn’t be anything that sounded like we were government officials. We just couldn’t think up any other polite and respectable name that said it all. The citizens of New Albany needed someone to police the sanitary sewers overflowing and not working correctly (being a health hazard). Oh the sights we have seen, the smells, the people who have needed help. We tried not to be political – try that with sewers, politicians, developers, and money. What name would you have suggested?
Susan (New Albany Potty Police)

The New Albanian said...

Krapper Kops.

Anonymous said...

Krapper Kops sounds like you mean dirty cops. No thank you, I'll stay New Albany Potty Police. Susan

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Me, 2, girlfriend...but thanks for your suggestion, New Albanian.

Iamhoosier said...

I agree that who-a, should-a, could-a is important, under the circumstances that you list. I have also commended you and Yvonne for being watchdogs. On this very blog.

I just thought, that someone who had so much knowledge about our problem would be a natural to present to some solutions. I admit that I do not have that knowledge. After reading Yvonne's response, and yours, I guess complaining is much easier.


PS I am not supporting any candidate, for any elected office, at this time. Not even close.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

We will or would be happy to sit down with you and tell you anything you wish to know/or educate you; however you wish to word it.

We have tried working with Mayor Garner and Mayor England and Mayor Overton...... We feel all of us should see who comes up to snuff on this issue (the documents are available -- some just don't bother reading). This would involve Mayoral and Council candidates.

Certain ones (both old and new) have told us they know, they understand, blah, blah, blah; but they really don't have a clue.

It kind of hurts when an ex-council member says "you and Susan were right", "you and Susan were right". So what if Susan and I were right about anything? It hasn't made any difference to 3 separate Mayors and current and former Council members.

They expanded our sewers out into the County; and we can truthfully say we saw nothing but $$$$ signs in their eyes. They put all the new pipe out that way in order to get the fringe monies of time and a half; unfortunately, the pipes in the City didn't get "fixed" that was doing all of the polluting. We can not tell you how many times we heard "the EPA didn't tell us "how" to fix it, they just said to fix it". That was the justification for the "Plan" they selected. Remember, though, you had two Engineers resign because of the "way" the plan was picked - a Republican and an Independent.

Those resignation letters spoke volumes; at least we got one of the Engineers back on the Sewer Board, Mr. Utz. He and Mr. Solomon are worth their weight in gold to New Albany citizens!

The maps EMC are using are dated 1991. These are the same maps which simply left Main Street houses (mine being one) off of the maps, even though they were built in 1900 or before and even though these residences paid sewers bills for at least 30 years...

The maps are doctored, in other words. Who did it? We only know rumors about this handiwork...

Now, even though we have that line coming in from the County, and they can't develop fast enough -- we already have the Sewer Board saying they may need to raise rates again, just to fix the inner-City. WE DON'T THINK SO...downright personal to us, especially when Mayor Garner (then a councilmember) used OUR analysis to testify to the State this "Plan" WOULD NOT WORK; the inner-City wasn't being fixed, etc.

We aren't complaining (that never did us any good); we simply want these "politicans" or "wanna-bes" to come up to snuff -- only one has called us yet about their District. We'll do what we can, but it is such an "un-sexy" subject, as the news media tells it, we don't see much interest in our infrastructure.

Hope you feel better about our answers and why we feel the way we do in wanting to see which person running for office "plans" to do anything for us, the rate-payers where the sewers don't work.

Thanks for your comments. I'm sure Susan will weigh in with her response, once she has time.

Iamhoosier said...

You probably don't think that I was serious with my request. I was and am.

You absolutely lambasted Randy when he put out ideas. You know, I have some questions about some of his ideas also. At least he had the courage to put ideas out there. Waiting to see what the candidates come out with? That's a dodge if I ever saw one.


Anonymous said...

Yvonne, your explanation was pretty much right on the button. I couldn't agree more with your statement that Mr. Utz and Mr. Solomon are worth their weight in gold to New Albany citizens. We could go more in depth, but that would mean we'd write a book. We know the Council members who asked for our help so they could help their Constituents. It all should come into play this election year. By the way, IAMHOOSIER, there are no cheap and easy solutions. Susan

Also, I think the next Sewer Board meeting should be February 20th.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

The next Sewer Board meeting should be the 20th, but they are calling it a "workshop" session; even though it's been legally advertised. Do ya feel the public should try and attend anyways?


A Democrat in Floyd County said...

IAMHOOSIER, My campaign against Mayor England focused solely on what I would do about the sewer situation and what wasn't being done. Yes, he lost. Overton's Plan didn't work. Garner had to proceed with Overton's plan because of the contracts all being signed.

What the hey else would you like one person to do? I had the guts to run "my flag" up against a two-term Democrat incumbent because I felt so strongly about this issue. Sorry, but I don't feel I owe anyone anything. The knowledge Susan and I have acquired over several, several years was gained by going to mind-numbing sewer board meetings and reading mind-numbing pages upon pages of documentation; taking our own times and monies and expending our bodily efforts by having played in every creek in this City. The City actually owes me, personally, monies because of all the shoes I've ruined. Do you know how much a copy of the Consent Decree for you and me, the average Joe ratepayers, to get a copy of? $80.00. Just so you could comment on same. Well, we paid the price, our statements are in the Federal Courthouse file, and any and all are welcome to read those public doucments (though there are an awful lot of Democrats who were hand delivered all of our analysis).

Sort of disheartening that all the efforts and time and monies are disappointing somehow to you by the way we express how we want to see who is going to grab this beast by the horns and fix the durn thing, so we can get on with OUR LIVES...

Oh, well, there are two sides to every coin. Peace.

Iamhoosier said...

Okay, I see my request is getting us nowhere. Susan and Yvonne know everything but would rather use that knowledge to knock what has been done(or not done). Putting out a plan on what to do might just open them up to attack.

How's your arm, Yvonne?

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

Dear IAMHOOSIER (Mark): How exactly are we using our knowledge to knock what has been done or not done?

We put a plan out in the public, covering the inner-City; not the "Fringe area".

I still have a copy; presentation of same was made to the local Kiwana's club by none other than me. Would you like this information somehow put into blog land, or would you rather have a private audience with the object of your desire?

I'm not sure how my arm is, how's yours? My back is doing a lot better since the Sewer Board. Toting around a sick grandbaby who weighs 1/2 of yourself will get you in a moment!

Gotta to say, though, we still wonder why you don't want the "newcomer"/"oldcomer" politicans, whether councilmembers or mayoral candidates putting their "plan" out first...interesting...we'll chew on that one for awhile.

Good talking with you.

Iamhoosier said...

Glad to know that you have a plan. Sorry that I was the only one in NA that did make that Kiwanas(sp?) club meeting.

Once again, I have recognized your persistence. I would hope that candidates would come out with their thoughts and plans. Still, that does explain why you would want to hold your plan back. Are you afraid that someone will "steal" it and you won't get the credit?

I do appreciate your posting my comments and questions. As you say, peace.

A Democrat in Floyd County said...

As I haven't know too many people that even cared about a "plan", I have no "fear" someone will "steal" it and I won't get any credit.

Susan and I have never been in this for any type of credit. You are still welcome to look at the "plan", just not sure how to get it onto the "blog". Let us know, we'll mail it to ya!

And, thank you for your comments and caring. We haven't found to many people that "care", either. There has always been so much "apathy" towards this subject.